Nordic Fitness - what are those activities?

Along with the growing popularity for Nordic Walking you'll hear more about Nordic Fitness. But what are those Nordic Fitness activities?

Especially during winter you might want to explore alternatives to Nordic Walking BUT without losing the fun of the activity - why not Nordic or cross coutry skiing or a more relaxed activity like Snow Shoeing. Get outdoors, feel the cold, feel the snow. Due to the weather bureau (in Australia this is) you won't have much more time.

Once spring arrives you can then get back into Nordic Walking or even try out some Nordic Blading.

If you're not on Nordic Walking poles yet - visit the Nordic Walking website to get involved. You'll find all sorts of information on poles, techniques and training courses.

The other day I read a more than fitting statement: "In every walk in nature one receives far more that he seeks." (John Muir)

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