Another Nordic Walking Story ... #nordic #fitness #exercise #health

This is another inspiring call to action for people to get into Nordic Walking.

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Q My husband and I are in our sixties and we pick the same New Year's resolution as each other every year.

We've found that this helps us to stay motivated and we can encourage each other to stick at it and achieve our goal. This year we've decided that we want to get fit.

Where can we go to find out about exercise classes and activities for older people that will help us get fit? AI'd imagine that getting fit is probably the most popular New Year's resolution that people choose, and what a good idea to pick the same one as your husband.

Staying active is important, especially as we get older as it helps to ensure that we are ageing healthily.

Your local Age Concern should be able to help you find exercise classes and activities in your area that will help you get fit and healthy.

I'd also suggest that Nordic walking could be something you may be interested in trying out. Nordic walking is basically walking with the aid of two speciallydesigned poles, and you can burn 20% more calories Nordic walking than you would walking ordinarily at the same speed.

It is a great way to improve strength as Nordic walking uses lots of different muscles in your legs and in your upper body - including your arms, shoulder muscles, chest muscles and back muscles.

The beauty of Nordic walking is that it is an ideal exercise for people who are unable to walk quickly - you can walk at the same speed but by using the special poles you can exercise more and gain more health and fitness benefits.

Age Cymru runs a Nordic walking programme which is especially designed for people who are aged 50 or over and is suitable for people of all fitness levels.

It's also fun to do and a great social activity where you'll meet people and perhaps make new friends in the outdoors.

Please remember to always check with your doctor before you begin any new form of exercise. For further information on Nordic walking in your area, please contact Margot Deveraux of the Age Cymru Healthy Ageing team on 029 2043 1555.

QUESTIONS If you have a question for Debs write to Ask Debs, Age Cymru, Ty John Pathy, 13-14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff, CF24 5PJ or e-mail her at A selection will be featured in this column every Wednesday.


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