Nordic Walking in Samoa #nordic #fitness #health #exercise

Amplify’d from
New Year, New You - ASNOC introduces “Nordic Walking”

The words Nordic Walking-they conjure up images of pristine wilderness, snowy woods, and crystal clear, cold air... perhaps a brisk hike through the high mountain slopes of the North Countries - Sweden, Finland or Norway. Well, Nordic Walking may certainly entail all of that ...

but Ursula Te'o-Martin, a daughter of Tutuila, a US Air Force veteran, and a LEKI certified Nordic Walking instructor wants you to know-Nordic Walking isn't just for the Nordic countries anymore.

(LEKI is the world's leading manufacturer of skiing, trekking and Nordic Walking poles. According to the LEKI website, with a pair of LEKI Nordic Walking poles in your hands, the most basic stroll becomes a surprisingly easy, full-body workout.)

Nordic Walking - sans snow, but with numerous health benefits - is rapidly becoming a prominent weapon in the arsenal to combat obesity and restore health.

And, thanks to the American Samoa National Olympic Committee, Nordic Walking is coming to American Samoa, and Te'o-Martin, a former resident, graduate of Tafuna High School and ASCC, with her Master's Degree in Exercise Science and Health Promotion, will be our guide.


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